Johnston Houston are delighted to be appointed by KH (Developments) Balmoral Limited to provide Project management Services for a new office development adjacent immediately to the rear of the Listed Kings Hall, a phase 5 of the Kings Hall Master Plan Development. This 90,000 sq. ft. shell and core office development over a mixture of 2, 3 and 4 storey blocks will provide 90,000 sq. ft. of lettable space for medial use within the overall Health & Wellbeing Kings Hall complex. This plot line development includes substantial landscaping improvements including a large section of the main plaza that has been developed with a hierarchy of elevation treatments to meet both the architectural standards developed by the Project Architect and the overall master plan requirements of Belfast City Council Planning service.
The project development is currently at RIBA Stage 3 with a fully integrated planning submission laid by Towel Architects and a specialist planning team which is required in collaboration and integration of structural, civil and services engineering into the overall design development to ensure flexibility of use and a prestigious office development which will be attractive to occupiers.
With instructions to move into technical design, it is indicated that the continuing development of the Kings Hall Complex will continue with this Plot 9 office development once planning permission is secured by a traditional procurement and a fully developed technical design to ensure the most advantageous development cost, which is essential in the current market where inflationary figures have significantly increased development costs in Northern Ireland over the last 2 years.
The shell and core development on behalf of our developer client will require separate fit out procurement within strict fit-out guidelines which Johnston Houston will develop with the client and design team and either integrate CAT A and CAT B fit-outs into the development process or facilitate flexible tenant fit-outs based on a financial contribution from CAT A proposals.
Johnston Houston are delighted to be acting for KH (Developments) Balmoral Limited to deliver this next phase of the overall £100,000,000 master plan for Kings Hall Health & Wellbeing Park.