Johnston Houston have been providing Consultancy Services to Killultagh Estates, the owners of Connswater Shopping Centre and Retail Park since its purchase over 10 years ago. The latest project where we have had an involvement is a £1.5m Landlords refurbishment of a 20,000sqft retail warehouse unit within the Retail Park in advance of a new letting to Lidl.
Leading a multidisciplinary design team including Architect, Landscape Architect, Structural / Civil Engineer and Services Engineer, Johnston Houston successfully delivered this project which included the complete modernisation and recladding of the entrance elevations and façade, rationalisation of the hard landscaping, car parking, improvements and general refurbishment works of the external envelope.
Working under strict time pressures for lease commencement and working very closely with Lidl in respect of their CAT B fit out, the phasing and programming challenges of this client brief were successfully overcome allowing Lidl to open for trading within the agreed contractual parameters established.